- Lelouch vi Britannia
- The central character of Code Geass, Lelouch Lamperouge is a Magnificent Chess Master who was given the power of an Evil Eye called a Geass that allows him to compel anyone to obey him to do anything he demands — although It Only Works Once on any given person. Few even of his closest friends know that he is actually a fallen Sheltered Aristocrat of the Britannian Empire. He plans to rebel against his estranged father, the Social Darwinist Emperor Charles zi Britannia, who, he thinks, was unforgivably apathetic about his mother's death — and may even have had a hand in it. Lelouch demands vengeance, and he'll settle for nothing less than the complete destruction of the Britannian royal line.Well, not the entire Britannian royal line: Lelouch wants to protect his paralyzed and blind little sister Nunnally — and not just to protect her, but to make a better world for her. He'll do just about anything to accomplish his goals, and he doesn't mind if he has to be labeled "evil" in the process. Especially if he gets to make being evil look damn good as he announces his new anti-Britannian movement.As the series evolves, Lelouch finds a worthy opponent, his buddy Suzaku Kururugi, who eventually becomes the biggest obstacle to his plans.He also finds an unexpected ally, a beautiful and Mysterious Waif who usually goes by the "name" C.C. She isn't what she seems to be. But then, neither is Lelouch.
- Suzaku Kururugi
- The rival and "best friend" of Lelouch. Suzaku is a rather controversial character. Instead of following Lelouch's ideals to crush Britannia to save Japan, Suzaku opted to "change Britannia from the inside, to help Japan," and he is willing to crush Japanese freedom fighters and terrorists in order to achieve this (even those that share his ultimate goals, such as the Kyoto Group). Speaking of that, he got chosen to pilot the Humongous Mecha Lancelot, which enables him to do lots of otherwise-impossible physical feats. He often tells people that "results obtained using the wrong means are meaningless," which means he opposes Zero for using terrorism to achieve his ends, but this is actually a result of the fact that he killed his father, former Japanese Prime Minister Genbu Kururugi, to end Japanese resistance to the Britannian invasion, which has made him hate himself greatly and try to atone by attempting to get himself killed in battle.Later, he finds love in Princess Euphemia li Britannia, and got picked as her Knight, nonetheless. But after a certain incident that made him lose her very cruelly and messily, he blamed Zero for it and became more "honest", showing more brutality and less restraint. Even after the revelation that Zero is Lelouch, Suzaku did not falter and turned against his best friend.In the second season, Suzaku becomes a Knight of the Round and hopes to advance to the rank of Knight the First, since it will grant him honorary rule of any area. He plans to take control of Area 11 (Japan) and use his position to help the Japanese people.Not to be mistaken for The Phoenix.
- C.C.
A sarcastic, green-haired girl first found inside an alleged 'poison gas bomb', sporting bondage gear and a big butt. C.C. (pronounced "C2" — or "Shi-Tsu") grants the Geass power to Lelouch, who apparently can give her her mysterious greatest wish, and later stays with him to watch over him. It's later revealed that she gave another Geass to a man named Mao. She has been a close attendant to Zero and has helped him various times, leading him to ally himself with her: "If you're a witch, then I'm a demon."Speaking of witches, her past and her name both remain a mystery. Rumor has it that she's been living for many years dating back to the era of Kings, and ever since then she's been repeatedly tortured or killed because of her powers (shot to the forehead, burned at the stake, put inside an Iron Maiden, etc.). She also has a penchant for pizza, and always orders some from Pizza Hut using Lelouch's credit card (not a problem, since he's filthy rich, but it's still an annoyance to him).
Ashford Academy
See also: Ashford Academy's Student Council
Main article: Arthur
Arthur is a stray cat which Third Princess Euphemia befriends after she arrives in Area 11. Arthur is later chased throughout the school grounds by the entire student body after wandering into the Lamperouge residence and escaping with Lelouch's Zero mask. The student council adopts him and builds a cat house in the council room. A running gag in the series involves Arthur constantly taking a bite at Suzaku's hand or leg. Despite this typically one-sided relationship, Suzaku takes the feline along with him to Britannia, where Arthur takes a liking to Knights of the Round member Anya Alstreim. When Suzaku returns to Ashford Academy in the second season, he brings Arthur back with him. In the series finale, Arthur is shown watching over Suzaku's grave in the middle of the night. Arthur is last seen in Ohgi and Viletta's wedding picture on Anya's head.
Milly Ashford
Main article: Milly Ashford
Milly Ashford ( is the granddaughter of the school superintendent, Ruben K. Ashford, and president of the Student Council. Milly enjoys teasing Shirley and is eager to discover Lelouch's weaknesses — enough so to rally the entire school into chasing after Arthur when she suspects the cat to hold something precious to him. She is secretly in love with Lelouch, but realizes the need to restore her family's status by marrying a noble. After graduating, she becomes a reporter on the local TV news and breaks off her engagement with Lloyd in an effort to become more true to herself.
Rivalz Cardemonde
Main article: Rivalz CardemondeRivalz Cardemonde , 17 years old (18 at R2), is one of Lelouch's friends, usually driving Lelouch around on his motorbike (RR1200 BMC) as an ante for their bets on chess games. He has a part-time job as a bartender/waiter and carries a deep, affectionate nature for Milly Ashford, especially when it is announced that she is going through a marriage interview. Shown in-series and in the DVD-exclusive bonus material, Rivalz forms a fast friendship with Suzaku after he joins the student council at Lelouch's request. Rivalz's real surname is not Cardemonde, but rather his mother's maiden name, which he uses since his parents became estranged. He was born and partially raised in California. After Emperor Lelouch arrived at Ashford Academy for the U.F.N meeting, Rivalz had asked him why he had never mentioned his royal status previously; but was ignored by him. He is last seen among the many guests that had attended Ohgi and Viletta's wedding.
Nina Einstein
Main article: Nina EinsteinNina Einstein 17 years old (18 at R2), is introduced as a bookish member of the student council at Ashford Academy. Nina demonstrates an acute xenophobic reaction to Elevens and develops intense (almost obsessive) feelings for the Third Princess Euphemia after the latter helps her during a traumatizing hostage incident at the Lake Kawaguchi.
Shirley Fenette
Main article: Shirley FenetteShirley Fenette is a typical, all-around nice girl who is exceptionally friendly and loves her friends. She is a member of the swimming club. She admits to being infatuated with Lelouch since his enrollment on campus, but finds it extremely hard to get his attention. She has a habit of jumping to conclusions before people can explain things to her, particularly where Lelouch is concerned. She is killed by Rolo in the second season after she regained her memory. Shirley was awarded 19th place in the 29th Anime Grand Prix for Favorite Female Character.
Sayoko Shinozaki
Main article: Sayoko Shinozaki
Sayoko Shinozaki is a kindhearted Japanese woman who serves as a maid to the Lamperouge siblings in their residence. She was originally Milly Ashford's personal maid, but was reassigned to Lelouch and Nunnally when they were placed under the Ashfords' care. Her relatively benign appearance contrasts with her position as the 37th successor of the Shinozaki School (篠崎流, Shinozaki Ryuu) of martial arts. She is a highly skilled martial artist and has matching athletic talents. She keeps a number of kunai strapped to her thighs and carries smoke bombs. She is referred to as a "supermaid" (スーパーメイド, suupaameido) on her official profile. Sayoko assists in taking care of Nunnally whenever Lelouch is not around. She is later employed by Diethard Reid as a spy for the Black Knights.
Sophie Wood
Main article: Sophie Wood
Miya I. Hillmick
Main article: Miya I. Hillmick

The Order of the Black Knights
Main article: Black Knights
The Order of the Black Knights (or simply the Black Knights, is a group of revolutionaries created by Lelouch in his campaign to overthrow Britannia. He introduces the group to the world as an organization which protects those without power from those who have it. Under his leadership, the Black Knights grow in strength exponentially, becoming a force rivaling the Britannian army up until the fall of the Black Rebellion. At the end of the first season, Lelouch declares the formation of the United States of Japan.
After having his memories restored in the second season, Lelouch works to form a larger alliance of nations to fight Britannia. He arranges the exile of the Black Knights from Japan for this purpose, making their new base of operations on an artificial island off the coast of China. He starts by returning control of the Chinese Federation to its Empress, making them his first ally.
With the formation of the United Federation of Nations, the Black Knights was contracted to serve it's military force as well a protector of all U.F.N. member states, in exchange for their continued funding, manpower, and support.
Former Resistance Members
The core members of the Black Knights are the remnants of a
resistance cell led by Kaname Ohgi, which Lelouch becomes involved with.
Kaname Ohgi
Main article: Kaname Ohgi
Kaname Ohgi is the leader of the original resistance cell. He took over leadership following the death of Kallen's older brother, Naoto Kōzuki , leaving his teaching job to do so. He is a somewhat reserved individual who lacks self-confidence, often questioning his ability to lead. However, he is also fairly perceptive, recognizing Zero's intentions to a degree and even deducing some of the things he keeps secret from the organization.
Naomi Inoue
Main article: Inoue
Naomi Inoue is a woman with mid-length, blue hair. She is a commander who provides logistical support. During the Black Rebellion, she is killed when the upper-half of her Burai is destroyed. She shares her seiyū's surname.
Yoshitaka Minami
Main article: Yoshitaka Minami
Yoshitaka Minami is a bespectacled male who is the Black Knights' first secret corps commander. In episode seven of R2, he is seen blushing when Nunnally is sworn in as Viceroy of Area 11. He is appointed as the captain of the Ikaruga following the formation of the U.F.N. He is last seen in Tamaki's bistro along with Sugiyama and Viletta.
Kento Sugiyama
Main article: Kento Sugiyama
Kento Sugiyama is a male with dark-greenish hair. He shares the same surname as his seiyū. After the formation of the U.F.N., he is given the position of Special Division Captain. He appears to be a good cook, as Lelouch has him make a pizza for C.C. He is last seen in Tamaki's bistro, a guitar resting next to his chair.
Shinichirō Tamaki
Main article: Shinichirō Tamaki

He is initially skeptical about Zero, but comes to be one of his most vehement supporters, particularly after the Special Administrative Zone for an independent Japan fails. Even after being captured and imprisoned for a year following the failed Black Rebellion, he never gives up hope that Zero will rescue them, despite the fact that Zero was reported as dead.
Tamaki seems to be the most critical of C.C.'s involvement in the organization despite her lack an official position, complaining that she's only there because she's Zero's lover, which she replies to by insulting him. In the second season, this appears to have been lightened into simple back and forth banter. Tamaki also complains about his own lack of an official position in the second season (what happened to his old position is not revealed), wanting to be in charge of finances in some way (Lelouch relieved him of this responsibility early in the first season when he spent much of their money on frivolous dinners). C.C. jokes that he's in charge of banquets to annoy him. With the formation of the United Federation of Nations and the Black Knights' appointment as its unified army, Tamaki is made the Internal Cleaning Supporter. When Lelouch is exposed as Zero, Tamaki takes it the hardest, being the last to accept that Zero could have manipulated them all this time.
At the end of the series, Tamaki opens his own bistro alongside Sugiyama, Minami, and Villetta. As well as his last appearance on the wedding photo.
Main article: Yoshida
Yoshida, is a male with dark-brownish hair involved in the provision of logistical support. He often wears a short-sleeved version of the Black Knights' uniform's jacket. During the first Assault on Tokyo Settlement, he and three others were operating a Raikou when Suzaku in the Lancelot destroyed the legs of each of the units, causing it to fall and explode, killing them.
Former Japan Liberation Front Members
Main article: Japan Liberation Front
The Japan Liberation Front is the largest anti-Britannia resistance group prior to the appearance of the Black Knights, consisting predominantly of former Japanese military personnel. Among their ranks are the Four Holy Swords , an elite unit consisting of Kyoshiro Tohdoh and four of his most devoted followers. After Cornelia takes over as Viceroy of Area 11, her campaigns all but wipe out the Japan Liberation Front. They are reduced to hiding in a sakuradite tanker, and during the midst of a raid launched by Britannian forces against them, a mine set up by Lelouch without the knowledge of the rest of the Black Knights destroys their ship; their death is ruled as suicide. All that remained of the officership following this incident was Tohdoh and the Four Holy Swords. Tohdoh is later captured by Britannian forces, and after he is rescued by the Black Knights at the Four Holy Swords' behest, his group joins them. They serve as squadron leaders in the Black Knights.
Kyoshiro Tohdoh
Main article: Kyoshiro TohdohKyoshiro Tohdoh is the head of the Black Knights' military operations. He is a chequered former general and an extremely talented fighter. He earned the nickname Tohdoh of Miracles for his singular defeat of the otherwise unstoppable Holy Britannian Empire during the invasion of Japan, remarkably managing this feat without the use of Knightmare Frames. This event would later be known as the Miracle of Itsukushima. He was a childhood instructor to Suzaku Kururugi, and is one of the few Japanese people who understands his ideals. Tohdoh is often seen bearing a katana at his side. Like Kaname, he remains faithful to Zero following his capture during the Black Rebellion, reasoning that Zero must have had a good reason not to inform his troops about his plans. In Lelouch's skill rating for the core members, Tohdoh has the highest combined score with 345 out of 400 points. After the formation of the United Federation of Nations and the Black Knights' appointment as its unified army, Tohdoh is made the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff.
Four Holy Swords
Main article: Four Holy Swords

Shōgo Asahina
Main article: Asahina ShogoAsahina Shōgo is a male member of the Four Holy Swords. He wears glasses and has a distinctive scar down the right side of his face. Like Chiba, he develops a distrust for Zero following the Black Rebellion, questioning his tendency to keep secrets and bring on new members such as Rolo and Jeremiah with no discussion. He is the leader of the first squadron of the Black Knights. After the formation of the United Federation of Nations and the Black Knights' appointment as its unified army, Shōgo is made the 1st Division Captain. During the second battle of Tokyo, he is killed in the blast from Nina's F.L.E.I.J.A. bomb whilst trying to pursue Rolo, but not before transmitting information about Zero's massacre of the Geass Directorate (which in turn came from the Squad Zero lieutenant who participated in it) to prove Zero can't be trusted.
Nagisa Chiba
Main article: Nagisa ChibaChiba Nagisa, 29 years old (30 at R2), is the sole female member of the Four Holy Swords, she also seems to hold a strong attraction to Tohdoh, also noticed by her comrade, Asahina. A year after the Black Rebellion, she harbors animosity towards Zero for abandoning them. She survives the final battle but is captured along with all the other Black Knights for a public execution. She is released when Lelouch is killed and is seen together with Tohdoh in traditional Japanese attire in a photo of Kaname Ohgi's wedding.
Ryōga Senba
Main article: Ryoga SenbaSenba Ryoga was the oldest member of the Four Holy Swords (even older than Tohdoh), and appears to be its leader. He is killed by Gino during an assault on a Britannian aerial transport. His last words were that he wanted to see Japan being liberated.
Kōsetsu Urabe
Main article: Kosetsu Urabe
Kyōto House
Main article: Kyōto House The Six Houses of Kyōto (キョウト六家, Kyōto Rokka), called the Kyōto House for short, is a secret society of former Japanese elite aligned against Britannia. They use the Britannian-sponsored Elevens' self-governance council NAC as their public face. They provide support for anti-Britannian resistance groups, by supplying equipment, weapons, and Knightmare Frames.
Other Members
Rakshata Chawla
Main article: Rakshata Chawla
Rakshata Chawla , 28 years old (29 at R2), is an Indian scientist and the head of the Black Knights' research and development team. She has extensive experience in medical cybernetics, and appears to have been an academy acquaintance of Lloyd Asplund and Cécile Croomy. Rakshata is not fond of speaking of the past, but it is known that she studied at the Imperial Colchester Institute. She also typically refers to Llyod Asplund as the "earl of pudding" as pudding is his favorite food. She affectionately refers to her technological creations as her "children" and treats them with such care. She is never seen without her tobacco pipe, and is usually seen laying on a couch when not actively working (one is even installed on the bridge of the Black Knights' flagship, the Ikaruga). Upon the formation of the UFN and the reorganization of the Black Knights as its military force, Rakshata is designated as the Chief of Science, similar to her previous position within the Black Knights. She reacts to the Black Knights' betrayal of Zero with apathy, more concerned with the aftermath.
Rakshata is the creator of the Guren and its radiant wave surgeweapon. She also developed the Gefjun Disturber , a force field generator that disables all sakuradite-powered technology within its area of effect. This renders anything within the field invisible to radar, and can aid in the blooming of hadron-based beam weaponry. She is captured and imprisoned along with the rest of the Black Knights after the fall of Schniezel. While incarcerated, she argues with Lloyd over the nature of progress. She is last seen amongst Ohgi and Viletta's wedding guests.

Ayame Futaba
Main article: Ayame Futaba
Ayame Futaba is one of the new volunteer members of the Black Knights introduced in the second season. She serves aboard the Ikaruga and appears to run its defensive systems. She wears her hair as a pair of purple mid-length curls. She is seen comforting Tamaki in a hospital after he is defeated by Suzaku in his Lancelot Albion. She refers to him as senpai.
Ichijiku Hinata
Main article: Ichijiku Hinata
Ichijiku Hinata is one of the new volunteer members of the Black Knights introduced in the second season. She serves aboard the Ikaruga as the radar operator. She wears her hair in a ponytail. She is unaware of Ohgi lying to all the Black Knights that Zero is dead along with the other Ikaruga Operators.
Mutsuki Minase
Main article: Mutsuki MinaseMutsuki Minase is one of the new volunteer members of the Black Knights introduced in the second season. She serves aboard the Ikaruga. She wears her hair straight, but with colored beads laced in.
Kizuna Kagesaki
Main article: Kizuna Kagesaki
Kizuna Kagesaki is the third squadron leader of the Black Knights. He is killed during the Battle of Tokyo by Jeremiah Gottwald's Siegfried.
Diethard Ried
Main article: Diethard Ried
Diethard Ried , 31 years old (32 at R2), is the head of information, espionage, and public relations for the Black Knights. A graduate of the Imperial Britannia Central University's Faculty of Law, Diethard is a former producer and member of the press staff at Hi-TV, a Britannian television station. Following the appearance of Zero and the announcement of his goals, Diethard joins the Black Knights, wishing to witness and document Zero's campaign to overthrow Britannia and rule the world. Like Kallen Kozuki, he shows fierce loyalty to Zero, whom he views as his source of inspiration.
Holy Britannian Empire

An authoritarian, imperialist kingdom and international superpower, the Holy Britannian Empire controls about one-third of the world at the beginning of the series, increasing two thirds by the mid-second season. Based in North America, from the imperial city of Pendragon, the territories under Britannian rule include the entire Western Hemisphere , Japan, New Zealand, and parts of the Middle East. Contrary to its name, it does not control the British Isles, having lost them to other European powers during the 1800s. The Britannia flag features the flag of St. George and a coat of arms with a lion and a snake intertwined, representing "king" and "death and rebirth," respectively.
Britannian Imperial Family
Main article: Imperial Family
Britannia is ruled by the Imperial family, which holds the highest positions within its government and military. The prince and princesses are ordered by number, which is determined by the status of their mothers, the imperial consorts. For example, Clovis is the Third Prince while Lelouch is only the Eleventh Prince. The numbering of the imperial princes and princesses is sorted by gender. For example, Euphemia is the Third Princess and Clovis is the Third Prince. The princes and princesses use the same surname prefix as their mother. The princesses are able to elect a personal guardian called a "Knight", who are given authority and placed directly under their command, with their own unit. Cornelia's Knight is Guilford who, along with her, commands a unit of Gloucesters. The princes are never shown to do the same.
Knights of the Round
Main article: Knights of the Round
Glaston Knights
Main article: Glaston Knights
Britannian Army
Main article: Britannian MilitaryThe largest Military in the world, Britannia's Armed forces are the primary antagonists of the series, divided into many hundreds of ground troops, Knightmare frames, Hoverships and specialized Knight units. Zero's constant harassment of the military have earned him many personal enemies, and several researchers, soldiers and commanders have become significant characters.
Main article: Knights
Andreas Darlton
Main article: Andreas Darlton
Jeremiah Gottwald
Main article: Jeremiah GottwaldJeremiah Gottwald is an elite Knightmare Frame pilot deeply concerned with the maintenance of Purist supremacy within Britannian society. He attended the Imperial Colchester Institute before joining the Britannian army. He is somewhat overconfident and passionate about furthering his goals, facts which tend to make him rash and impulsive in battle. He was a part of Empress Marianne's guard, and considers her assassination his first failure. His perceived failure shapes his actions from then on.
In the second season, He is employed as an assassin by V.V. to kill Lelouch. After learning of Lelouch's motive for becoming Zero, he swears his loyalty to Lelouch in order to redeem his failure to protect Marianne.
Villetta Nu
Main article: Villetta NuVilletta Nu is an elite Knightmare Frame pilot and subordinate of Jeremiah Gottwald, though she is more collected than Jeremiah in battle. She is not of noble blood, but supports Jeremiah and the Purist faction as she believes she can earn a title of nobility through them.
In the second season, her knowledge of Zero's identity and of his Geass has earned a title of nobility. She is employed by Britannian Intelligence Agency to observe Lelouch for contact with C.C. at Ashford Academy, using the cover identity of a gym teacher.
Gilbert G.P. Guilford
Main article: Gilbert G.P. GuilfordGilbert G.P. Guilford is a slender, dark-haired, bespectacled man who was once known as the 'Spearhead of the Empire'. He is confidante and personal knight to the Second Princess Cornelia, and commands her Glaston Knights. Though he initially pilots a Gloucester, he switches to the more advanced Vincent model in the second season. Following Cornelia's disappearance during the rebellion, he remains in Area 11, dutifully awaiting her return.
Research and Development
Bartley Asprius
Main article: Bartley Asprius
Kewell Soresi
Main article: Kewell Soresi
Marika Soresi
Main article: Marika SoresiLiliana Vergamon
Main article: Liliana VergamonKanon Maldini
Main article: Kanon Maldini
Main article: Fayer
Main article: Upson
Unnamed Britannian Noble

Alicia Lohmeyer
Main article: Alicia Lohmeyer
Main article: Calares

Chinese Federation

The Chinese Federation is an imperial monarchy that spans the Asian and Pacific regions, including India and the majority of Southeast Asia. Its political structure and organization appears to resemble the real-world Empire of China. The Emperor of the Federation was formerly an office that held absolute political power, but it has since been reduced to an effectively symbolic figurehead posting, "a symbol of the state and the unity of the people". As with the real-world Emperor of Japan, the individual who holds the title is regarded as a living divinity whose sovereignty is entirely ceremonial. Since the current Tianzi is just a child, true control of the nation lies with the governmental organization known as the "High Eunuchs" (大宦官, Daikangan).

High Eunuchs
Main article: High Eunuchs
The High Eunuchs are a group of eight men who use the Empress' power to control the Chinese Federation, leaving its people poor and starving while they live in opulence.
Li Xingke
Main article: Li Xingke
Li Xingke is a military officer in the Chinese Federation, said to equal Lelouch in strategy and Suzaku in strength. The son of a low-ranked official, Li climbed his way through the ranks of the government with the intent to transform it. He arrives in Area 11 as a bodyguard to the Federation's consul, Gao Hai. He is extremely skilled in swordsmanship and constantly carries a sword by his side. He also pilots the Shenhu Knightmare Frame. Following the fall of the High Eunuchs, he joins the Black Knights and becomes the Comander in chief after the United Federation of Nations is ratified.
Hong Gu
Main article: Hong Gu
Main article: Empress Tianzi
Jiang Lihua , is the 13 years-old, Empress of the Chinese Federation, although she has thus far been referred to only by the traditional title attributed to the Chinese Emperor: Tianzi (天子, Tenshi), "the Son of Heaven". In practice, she is effectively a prisoner within her own palace, which she dislikes. Following the fall of the High Eunuchs and the formation of the United Federation of Nations, she becomes the representative of the newly formed United States of China.
Zhou Xianglin
Main article: Zhou Xianglin

General Zhao

Other Characters
Genbu Kururugi
Atsushi Sawasaki

However, Suzaku Kururugi's Lancelot and Zero's Gawain manage to take the Base and capture the minister while he tries to flee away back to the Chinese Federation. He is last seen taken in custody with other former members of the Japanese Government by the Brittanian forces.
Main article: Mao
Main article: V.V.
V.V. is a mysterious boy with blond hair longer than his body. He leads the Geass Directorate, a secret organization that studies and produces Geass users. V.V., like C.C., is apparently immortal and can grant Geass contracts to others.
In the second season, V.V. is revealed to be the Emperor's fraternal twin and is working with him to defeat the gods that are making humans fight among themselves. He ultimately dies in Lelouch's Assault on the Geass Directorate after giving his immortality to Charles.
Naoto Kōzuki
Main article: Naoto Kōzuki
Naoto Kōzuki is the brother of Kallen Kozuki and a member of the Resistance members. He was killed prior to the first episode of the series. Though never elaborated upon, his death became the reason his sister, Kallen, fights against Britannia.
Mrs. Kōzuki
Main article: Mrs. Kōzuki
The Black King
Main article: "The Black King"

Spin-off Characters
These are characters present only in the spin-off media, such as the Nightmare of Nunnally manga and the video games.
Video Game Characters

Castor Rui Britannia
Castor Rui Britannia is a character exclusive to the Nintendo DS video game and a member of the Britannian Imperial Family. His twin brother is Pollux Rui Britannia, he possess a pair of blue eyes and a much more gentler face than his brother. He pilots the Knightmare Frame Equus. Castor possesses a Geass that allows him to telepathically communicate with his twin brother Pollux.
Pollux Rui Britannia
Pollux Rui Britannia is a character exclusive to the Nintendo DS
video game and a member of the Britannian Imperial Family. His twin
brother is Caster Rui Britannia. He pilots the Knightmare Frame Aquila.
Pollux possesses the same Geass ability as Lelouch, though when brought
against one another his seems to be inferior. He is frequently mistaken
for his brother, much to his annoyance, he possess a pair of golden
eyes and a much more mischievous face than his brother. Both he and his
brother are likely named after the Greek and Roman mythological twin brothers, Castor and Pollux, respectively.
Main article: Rai
Rai is the protagonist of the PlayStation 2/PlayStation Portable video game, Code Geass: Lost Colors.
He possesses the same Geass ability as Lelouch, but it uses sound as a
medium instead of eye contact. The effect is represented as a red wave
like Rolo's Geass. He suffers from amnesia and is discovered by Milly
and Lelouch at Ashford Academy, where he fell unconscious after escaping
a Britannian facility. He is taken in as a temporary student, while
trying to recover his memories. Although his face is never seen, he
appears to be fairly young, has blue eyes and has silver hair worn in a
similar style to Gino's.
Rai is actually of Britannian descent. His father was of Britannian royalty and his mother was Japanese, of the Sumeragi clan, the same clan Kaguya belongs to, thus resulting in his ill treatment from his other siblings because of his mixed-blood status. Hundreds of years ago, in order to protect his mother and younger sister, he bound himself in a Geass contract with an unidentified individual. His Geass ability allowed him to ascend to power. However, during a war with a neighboring country, while he was only trying to raise the fighting spirit of his people in a speech, he lost control of his Geass and accidentally ordered the people to fight to the death against the enemy. This order caused not only his people, but his mother and sister who he had wished to protect, to charge to their deaths, leaving him with nothing. In his loneliness and sadness, he used his power on himself to make him forget all of this and put himself into a deep sleep inside a ruin similar to that found on Kaminejima. He was discovered by General Bartley, who put him in the same facility in Area 11 where C.C. was held captive by Britannia. He awoke and used his power of Geass to escape the facility, ending up at Ashford Academy.
Rai also appears as the protagonist of the second Nintendo DS game, Code Geass R2: Banjou no Geass Gekijou. Along with the male design used in Lost Colors, a female design for Rai has been created for female players. Rai's role has been completely change though for this game. S/he is instead a transfer student attending Ashford High for a month. Rai also does not have the Geass ability s/he had in Lost Colors.
Suzaku of the Counterattack Characters
Mariel Labie

Leonard Labie

Nightmare of Nunnally Characters
The spin-off manga Nightmare of Nunnally is an alternate story in which Nunnally gains the power of Geass from a Britannian experimental subject known as Nemo. The antagonists of the manga are the Britannian Special Honorary Foreign Legion "Irregulars", an elite
covert operations unit consisting of non-Britannians who have been
granted capabilities far exceeding the human norm by way of ethically
questionable medical augmentation. Some members have obtained Geass
abilities as a result of cell matter transplants from C.C. The
Irregulars unit insignia resembles the bird-like sigil of the Geass, and
in combat they pilot the experimental seventh generation GX-01 series
Knightmare Frames, which are equipped with a Geass Conduit system that allows them to channel their abilities into their




Ekatrina Sforza

Mao (Nightmare of Nunnally)

Nemo is a protagonist of the manga spin-off Nightmare of Nunnally
along with Nunnally herself. Nemo is a mysterious energy life-form
developed under Code R using a sample of C.C.'s cells. She is referred
to by the Britannian military as a magical device . Shortly
after being released alongside C.C. in the Shinjuku Ghetto, she
encounters and enters into a contract with Nunnally, granting her a
Geass ability that allows sight of "the lines of the future,"
effectively giving her precognition. She assumes an appearance
resembling an albino Nunnally upon contract finalization, and the two of
them come to share a single mind. Nemo's personality remains distinct
from Nunnally, and is said to be an expression of Nunnally's unconscious
anger and hostility. Normally disembodied and visible only to Nunnally,
Nemo possesses Nunnally's body and temporarily restores it to a
functioning state upon summoning the Knightmare Frame Mark Nemo,
which they pilot as one. Their piloting style is thought by Cornelia to
closely resemble that of the late Marianne. Nemo means "nobody" or "no
one" in Latin, which may refer to her shadowy and enigmatic nature, as
well as serving as a parallel to Zero, which also means "nothing".

Cardinal Rolo vi Britannia

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